Malaquias is 36 years old, he is Dominican, lives alone and has two small children. He owns a corner store and a bakery, and runs the business on his own. His favorite course is: Business Guide, in which he really enjoyed the classes on business planning and honesty. He wants to learn more about debt.
Before taking classes, he had an employee who was a relative of his partner. When he finished the budgeting course, he started organizing the business and taking care of the accounts. He also stopped mixing personal expenses with business expenses. When he organized his receipts, he realized that his employee was cheating on him, stealing money from the business and, at the rate he was going, he was running the risk of having to close. He began to apply other tactics from the course, and soon his sales began to increase. Before using the application, he would spend a maximum of 2,000 pesos (approximately $ 35) to supply his store. He now spends 10,000 pesos (approximately $ 170) to supply his store! After taking the course “Social media in my business”, he plans to try it at the corner store and bakery with Facebook and WhatsApp.